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Shifting Teeth: What Happens if Your Pearly Whites Don’t Stay Where They Belong?

August 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — glenpoolbraces @ 5:47 pm
Misaligned teeth

Something seems different about your smile lately. You’re not sure what it is at first, but after a closer look, you realize that some of your teeth have shifted out of place and are crowded together. But how did this happen? An dentist in Glenpool can tell you why teeth shift and how the damage can be corrected – or how it can be avoided altogether!

Why Do Teeth Shift?

Your teeth don’t stay still over the course of your life. A process called mesial drift will slowly push them to the front of your mouth as you get older. Not all shifting is a result of nature taking its course, however. If a tooth is damaged by decay, injury or grinding, it can create empty space in your mouth. That will give adjacent teeth the opportunity to move into the gap. You can also accidentally cause your teeth to shift by exposing them to pressure for long periods of time, such as regularly resting your face on your hands or holding a pen in your mouth.

 If you’ve lost a tooth altogether, your remaining teeth are extra likely to move out of place. Not only will there be a sizable gap, but the bone under the gums will start to deteriorate. Over time the shape of your jaw will change, which can badly affect the alignment of your bite.

How Can You Fix Shifted Teeth?

If your smile has become crooked, you should speak with your dentist as soon as possible. Depending on the changes you want, they can use many kinds of orthodontic appliances. Particularly complex cases will usually require traditional metal braces. However, an Invisalign treatment (which employs a series of clear, removeable trays to gradually adjust the teeth) can often be used instead; this is an excellent option for working adults who don’t want to worry about unsightly brackets and wires.

How Can You Prevent Teeth Shifting?

In addition to giving up bad habits that put pressure on the teeth, you can make drifting less likely to happen by protecting your teeth from damage and decay. That means brushing at least twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing daily. (Use a water flosser or an interdental brush if you can’t get between every tooth with traditional string floss.) You can also get a nightguard to prevent your teeth from grinding at night.

Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to prevent their pearly whites from moving out of place, but fortunately, with careful attention, regular checkups, and a partnership with your dentist, you’ll be able to maintain a straight, dazzling smile for as long as possible.   

About the Author

Dr. Dalia Georgy loves building positive relationships with patients at her practice, Glenpool Braces. She helps children and adults alike correct their crooked teeth with braces and Invisalign, resulting in new and improved smiles. To schedule an appointment, visit her website or call (918) 201-1414.

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