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3 Orthodontic Services That Create Beautiful Smiles

July 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — glenpoolbraces @ 2:56 pm
Invisalign and braces

Are you worried whether your child’s crooked teeth will affect their development later in life? Or do you look at your smile in the mirror each day and cringe at what you see? There are many reasons why you might be looking for orthodontic services in Glenpool, but no matter what your ultimate smile goals are, it’s important to know your options. Here are 3 ways your dentist can give you or a loved one a more dazzling, confident grin.

1. Traditional Braces

Of course, you can’t say “dentist” without thinking of tried-and-true metal brackets and wires. Traditional braces have been used for years to gradually move teeth into place, and in many cases they’re still the most effective treatment available, being able to correct many complex alignment problems. Braces are usually recommended for small children, especially overactive ones; the metal is durable and harder to damage, and since the brackets and wires are fixed in place, you won’t have to worry about your child taking them out or misplacing them.

Patients can usually expect to wear braces for one to three years. Some younger patients can get Phase 1 Pediatric Orthodontics to reduce the need for more extensive treatment in the future – and sometimes avoid it entirely!

2. Invisalign Clear Aligners

When you’re an adult, you might feel that traditional braces could put a dent in your professional image or your social life. But that doesn’t mean you can’t still get a straighter smile! Invisalign is an excellent orthodontic option for older patients. Instead of metal brackets, you’ll wear a series of clear plastic aligners that will make the necessary adjustments. Many people won’t notice that you’re wearing the aligners, making it a lot easier to feel confident about yourself. As a bonus, the aligners can be removed, so you can eat whatever you want!

 Each aligner is worn for about two weeks for about 22 hours a day. The treatment will usually take about 18 months or less, so it can often be much faster than traditional braces.

3. Invisalign Teen Clear Aligners

Invisalign is also attractive for many teenagers who are worried about their appearance. While Invisalign Teen is similar to the adult treatment, there are a few extra benefits. The aligners will be marked with a small dot that changes color over time; it serves as a helpful reminder for teens that might have trouble remembering when it’s time to switch to the new aligner. Additionally, each aligner will have an “eruption tab” that will leave empty space for teeth that haven’t come in yet. Finally, extra spare aligners will be made in case of emergencies.

If you’ve been thinking your teeth could use some corrections, or if you have a child or teenager that might need adjustments made for their own health, call an dentist near you today. The road to a better smile starts with a single step!

About the Author

Dr. Dalia Georgy received her doctorate from the University of Oklahoma and is a member of the Oklahoma Dental Association. She loves having the chance to use her hands to give her patients healthier, prettier smiles with traditional braces or Invisalign. To schedule an appointment at her practice, Glenpool Braces, visit her website or call (918) 201-1414.

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