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All about Getting a Palate Expander in Glenpool

January 23, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — glenpoolbraces @ 9:27 pm
boy in dentist chair

While at the dentist’s office for their checkup appointment, the dentist tells you that your child may need a palate expander in Glenpool. What exactly does that mean? How does that treatment work? You would do anything to make sure your child is healthy—that includes making sure their mouth is healthy and functioning properly. A palate expander is a method of preparing their mouth for adult teeth and a lifetime of chewing, speaking, and smiling with the right bite. Answer all your questions about palate expanders here!

What is a palatal expander?

A palatal expander is a custom-made oral appliance that creates more space in a child’s mouth by widening the upper jaw. This appliance is most successful on patients under age 16 but older than age 5. Before the upper jaw’s two halves fuse together in puberty, it is actually easy to make this change in orthodontics in Glenpool. A palatal expander can correct the following problems:

  • Crossbite, when the bottom teeth cross in front of the top teeth.
  • Overcrowding or the likelihood for overcrowding in permanent teeth.
  • Impacted teeth, or teeth that haven’t grown in yet but are blocked by existing teeth.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose that is caused by a narrow or deep palate.

How does a palatal expander work?

Usually attached to the molars using metal rings, the appliance is meant to make room for all your child’s teeth. Some expanders are removable, and some are not, but expansion screws are built into the appliance. Over the course of several weeks or months, the expander stretches the bone and cartilage of the palate. At the end of treatment, your child’s mouth should be able to accommodate all their permanent teeth comfortably. They may also be able to avoid needing further orthodontic work because the expander.

Will a palatal expander be painful for my child?

Your child may feel some pressure on their teeth, roof of their mouth, and sometimes behind the nose and eyes, but the pressure should fade. Also, your child may need time to adjust how they speak and chew with the expanders in their mouth. Until the expander feels more natural, try giving them foods that are easy to chew, such as pudding, soup, and mashed potatoes. In addition, they should avoid sticky food and candy that could get stuck to the expander.

How can I make sure my child’s oral hygiene stays strong while using an expander?

Brushing and flossing daily while wearing an expander is essential to prevent tooth decay. Expanders can make these routines more challenging, but keeping their mouth clean is important. Food particles can get stuck under the expander, so ask your dentist for advice. Such recommendations could include a special syringe with water to flush out debris. There is also a flexible palate cleaner that fits under the expander and can push out food particles.

A palate expander is a beneficial tool that helps children to maintain their healthy, straight smiles for year to come. Choosing to use it will make dental and orthodontic treatment in the future much easier and smoother. If you have more questions about palate expanders or other oral appliances, contact your orthodontic specialist.

About the Practice

At Glenpool Braces, Dr. Dalia Gregory and her staff are dedicated to delivering straight, happy smiles to their patients. They enjoy transforming teeth and their patients’ lives, and they use the most current technology to do so, such as Planmeca Emerald™ Intraoral Scanner instead of putty impressions. To contact them, you may call (918) 201-1414 or click here.

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